Revision of our homepage
Since 2016 we have been working on the revision of our homepage. The complete redesign of an online presence is more extensive than expected. It is not just like that, that just a few new pictures have to be uploaded and a few fancy pages have to be assembled, no! The whole thing is already much more complex. First of all, it has to be clarified which software is practicable, what does it do, what does it cost, how does it look like with the support. Photos have to be arranged and made, tests have to be edited and rewritten and just as many basic basics have to be defined. Of course, the content has to be maintained and employees have to be trained. All in all, it's not done that fast - and certainly not at the same time. So that we can finally go online, we have decided to divide the entire project into individual steps. The first step, and therefore the biggest and most fundamental one, is this new website. We are now online with all important basic information. There is information about our company, a service area with customer service requests, contact persons for specialized trade, industry and press, a download area and finally also a blog, which we are now constantly updating with information about Conrad.
In the second step, which we are now tackling, we will create a B2B dealer area, in which our specialist dealers will be provided with many important query options. We plan to go online with it at the end of October.
The following steps will then follow step by step and will bring further information modules with them. Be curious.
And another thing on our own behalf: Such an Internet site is a structure that is constantly subject to change, adaptation and modification. So if you ever discover something in the "depths of the system" that is not right or needs improvement, please let us know. We are also very happy to receive suggestions for the homepage.
Now we hope you enjoy clicking through the new pages.
Your Conrad Team